117MW ! SMA携手德国莱茵集团共建大型创新性储能电站

117MW ! SMA携手德国莱茵集团共建大型创新性储能电站





Lingen(林根市)项目的储能规模为45MW,Werne韦尔讷市项目的储能规模为72MW,项目总储电容量达117MW。SMA Solar Technology 为项目提供包含420个锂电子电池架及47台集中式储能逆变器相集成的集装箱式储能系统。

“我们很高兴有机会为这个开创性项目贡献我们的技术和专业知识,”SMA 项目销售主管 Sebastian Seidl 说道:“SMA储能解决方案已成功部署于全球众多大型及技术高度复杂的项目中。即使不断地面临全新的项目要求和挑战,但凭借40年的项目经验和出色的系统专业知识,SMA始终会为客户交付满意的方案。”

“电池储能系统对于能源转型的成功至关重要”,RWE Battery Solutions GmbH 首席执行官 Andrea Hu-Bianco表示: “系统将有助于平衡电网波动,而随着可再生能源发电份额的增加,电网的波动也会更加频繁。我们正在为项目制定新的标准————通过智能地将储能电站与水力发电站相结合,以适应电网系统不断变化的需求。我们非常荣幸能够与SMA合作,共同建设并可靠运营德国最大、最具创新性的电池储能系统之一。”

凭借其高达3,960 kVA的功率输出、适用于1500V电压系统,SMA Sunny Central Storage UP集中式储能逆变器可实现高效、灵活的储能系统设计。由于其宽输入的直流电压范围,目前可与市面上大多数电池技术兼容。

Katrina Zhang
86 21 50858806


SMA的产品包括不同功率等级的太阳能及储能逆变器、电动充电桩及绿色制氢等能源解决方案。迄今公司拥有超过110GW的逆变器装机量,产品遍布全球190个国家的成功应用案例。2008年,集团母公司SMA Solar Technology AG在德国法兰克福证券交易所主板上市(S92),并于同年被列入了SDAX。 欲了解SMA更多详情,请访问:www.sma-china.com。

RWE 正在引领通往绿色能源世界的道路。凭借广泛的投资和增长战略,到 2030 年,该公司将在全球范围内将其强大的绿色发电能力扩大到 50 吉瓦。 RWE 在这十年内将为此目的总投资 500 亿欧元。该产品组合基于海上和陆上风能、太阳能、氢能、电池、生物质能和天然气。 RWE Supply & Trading 为大客户提供量身定制的能源解决方案。 RWE 在极具吸引力的欧洲、北美和亚太地区市场设有办事处。该公司正在负责任地逐步淘汰核能和煤炭。已经为这两种能源定义了政府规定的淘汰路线图。 RWE 在全球拥有约 19,000 名员工,并有一个明确的目标:到 2040 年实现净零排放。在此过程中,该公司为所有导致温室气体排放的活动设定了雄心勃勃的目标。以科学为基础的目标倡议已确认这些减排目标符合《巴黎协定》。非常符合公司宗旨的精神:我们为可持续生活提供能量。

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This press release serves only as information and does not constitute an offer or invitation to subscribe for, acquire, hold or sell any securities of SMA Solar Technology AG (the “Company”) or any present or future subsidiary of the Company (together with the Company, the “SMA Group”) nor should it form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract to purchase or subscribe for any securities in the Company or any member of the SMA Group or commitment whatsoever. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States of America absent registration or an exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

This press release can contain future-oriented statements. Future-oriented statements are statements which do not describe facts of the past. They also include statements about our assumptions and expectations. These statements are based on plans, estimations and forecasts that the Managing Board of SMA Solar Technology AG (SMA or Company) has available at this time. Future-oriented statements are therefore valid only on the day on which they are made. Future-oriented statements by nature contain risks and elements of uncertainty. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors can lead to considerable differences between the actual results, the financial position, the development or the performance of the corporation and the estimates given here. These factors include those which SMA has discussed in published reports. These reports are available on the SMA website at www.SMA.de. The Company accepts no obligation whatsoever to update these future-oriented statements or to adjust them to future events or developments.